Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cream Cheese Stuffed Pumpkin Monkey Bread

The perfect fall breakfast or dessert! Sweat sugar and butter combine to make a sticky coating on fluffy pumpkin bread bursting with cream cheese. Best served a little warm but still excellent cold.

Pumpkin Yeast Bread
1/2 cup warm water
2 Tbsp SAF instant yeast or 2 packets of rapid rise yeast
2/3 cup warm (NOT HOT) whole milk (or 2%)
2 large eggs, beaten
1-1/2 cups canned pumpkin (This is *almost* the entire 15oz can. I was tempted to just use it all. If you do, you'll just need to adjust the amount of flour needed.)
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp cinnamon
1/2 heaping tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/4 - 1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp nutmeg
4 cups bread flour
2+ cups whole wheat flour

8oz (1 pkg) cream cheese
1 cup powdered sugar
1 heaping tsp cinnamon
*May need to double, see notes*

1/3 pumpkin bread dough
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
dash nutmeg
any other spices you like - ginger, cloves, cardamom - go crazy
1 stick butter, melted
*May need to double, see notes*

Servings: One large bundt pan


Pumpkin Yeast Bread
In bowl of stand mixer, add 4 cups of bread flour, yeast, salt, spices. Mix until blended. Add water, milk, eggs, pumpkin, oil, and sugar. Beat well about 2 minutes. Add whole wheat flour, 1/4 cup at a time until the dough comes together and switch to the dough hook. Knead until the dough clears the sides (you'll need to scrape them down once or twice) adding just a little bit of flour at a time. The dough will eventually clear the bottom as well. The dough should be slightly tacky but not sticky and should be fairly smooth. This will take about 10 minutes all told.

Put dough in a large, oiled bowl, turning once to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and put int a warm spot to rise and double, about 1 hour.

In medium bowl mix all ingredients until smooth. If you use room temperature cream cheese it mixes easier. You can mix it by hand, with a hand mixer or in your kitchenaid.

Melt butter in small bowl. Mix sugars and spices in another small bowl. Grab a slotted spoon and a large regular spoon.

Spray bundt pan with cooking spray, coating entire insides well.

Roll dough to approx 1/4" thick with a rolling pin or carefull stretching and pressing with your hands but not more than that. Thinner is ok. Take a pizza cutter and cut the dough into squares (I did roughly 2x2 inches) covering dough with a barely damp towel as you work.

Place a dollop of cream cheese mixture in the center of each square then pull edges of dough around the filling, sealing as best you can. Roll into smooth-ish ball shape repeating as needed and covering the completed balls with a damp towel.

Then dunk each ball into the melted butter, remove with a slotted spoon and roll in the sugar mixture. Place each in prepared bundt pan. Repeat with remaining dough layering the coated pieces as you go.

Drizzle a little bit of butter over the pan of dough and sprinkle on a bit more sugar, too. Cover and let rise about 45 min.

Bake in 350°F oven 40-45 minutes or until internal temp is 190°F. Cover the pan with foil if it's getting too dark.

Remove from oven and let cool for a bit on a wire rack, when the bundt pan is still warm but not too hot and run knife around all the edges. Grab a large plate or serving platter. Place on top of the bundt pan. With one hand on the bottom of the plate and the other holding the pan (with an oven mitt or towel) flip them together keeping bundt pan on top of the plate. Let the weight of the bread pull it it from the pan. You might need to tap it a bit. Slowly pull the pan off the bread careful not to force it and break up the bread.

Let cool about 30 minutes before eating. It really does get better when it is warm but not too hot. And molten cream cheese is not fun.

Recipe From:

This recipe was awesome! Sweet and pumpkin with awesome cream cheese centers, it was perfect for fall. It makes a good party food, looks interesting and shares well. Makes a sweet breakfast or an nice dessert.

I used the proportion of spices listed in this recipe however eyeballing it is just fine or replacing the total used with pumpkin pie spice will be just fine. If you like more or less of something, go for it. The recipe will be very flexible.

The original recipe said that I would have left over cream cheese mixture, butter and sugar but I ended up needing more. I guess I over filled mine. So feel free to double the recipe if you want a lot of filling (then you might have some leftovers) or be stingy with it if you want less filling. I wanted mine to be -filled- with cream cheese, and loved how they came out. I thought they were perfect!

The original recipe has you unmold this as soon as it is out of the oven but I don't think this is needed. Let it cool a little bit so you can handle it, but don't let it get cold. You want all the butter and caramelized sugar to stick to the dough, not the pan.

Watch out for under cooking! I under cooked this the first time even with a temperature probe so be careful of the center. The bottom and top were cooked to perfection but the center had a few doughy ones. So make sure to use a temperature probe and poke it in a few places focusing on the center. It will look done but might not be. It was still good, even a little doughy but not as good.

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